We are pleased to be leading New Jersey’s first statewide interdisciplinary consortium focused on the health and healthcare needs of autistic individuals. This group of leaders at health-related trade associations, healthcare systems, healthcare provider practices, autism treatment provider agencies, and funders is dedicated to advancing healthcare for New Jerseyans with autism.
Promoting Best Practices
The Autism New Jersey Healthcare Consortium leverages the combined wealth of knowledge, expertise, and resources of its members to collaboratively develop innovative solutions and strategically advance best practices in patient, provider, and systemic aspects of healthcare for patients with autism. Since its launch in July 2023, this coordinated effort has been working to identify high-quality work happening in isolated pockets and accelerate these efforts statewide.
Opportunities for Innovation
Driven by consortium members’ priorities and best practices, this dynamic group will create opportunities for innovative research, quality improvement projects, and other collaborative efforts that will improve healthcare access and outcomes for New Jerseyans with autism. One early example is the group’s current research and development of a standard set of autism-friendly practices in healthcare settings to share with hospitals and other medical providers as a best-practice benchmark for self-evaluation and quality improvement.
Calling All Leaders
We are continuing to add members who support our vision of high-quality, person-centered, integrated, and prioritized healthcare is achieved for all individuals with autism.
If you are a leader in healthcare or autism service provision interested in joining the Autism New Jersey Consortium, please submit your interest form below. Meetings are held bimonthly in a hybrid format on the second Thursday of the month.
If you are an autistic individual or family member, your experiences will be a regular feature of consortium meetings Tell us your healthcare story>>
Questions? Connect with Lauren Frederick, M.A., BCBA, Director of Clinical Initiatives at lfrederick@autismnj.org.