Medicaid and ABA: Knowing Your Rights

June 30, 2023

This article is a part of our
Health Insurance and Autism Series.

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NJFamilyCare has included medically necessary ABA therapy as a member benefit since April 1, 2020. As a result, thousands of autistic individuals have been able to access medically necessary treatment.

Nevertheless, families seeking Medicaid-covered ABA treatment can still face a broad range of obstacles. In this webinar series, created by Autism New Jersey in co-sponsorship with the New Jersey State Bar Foundation, you will learn:

  • Who is eligible for Medicaid
  • How to apply
  • How to advocate for coverage of your loved one’s medically necessary ABA
  • Who is who in the world of insurance-funded ABA therapy
  • What to do when it’s hard to find an in-network provider
  • Insurance companies’ required disclosures
  • Reasonable timelines and what to do when access to treatment is delayed

Medicaid and ABA: Knowing Your Rights – Part 1

Download Part 1

Medicaid and ABA: Knowing Your Rights – Part 2

Download Part 2

This project is co-sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and made possible through funding from the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey. For additional information about the Foundation’s other law-related activities, please call 1-800-FREE-LAW or visit the Foundation at

General Information
Getting Covered
Special Cases
Resolving Issues
Introduction to Insurance Split Application MedicaidMedicaid and How To Enroll
Self-Funded Plans Child-Only PlansMedicaid: Starting Treatment
Fully Insured PlansIn-Network ExceptionsEPSDT Medicaid Benefit
Medicaid and How To EnrollPrompt Pay LawTreatment When You Need It
Child-Only PlansTreatment When You Need ItMedicaid for Adults
Mental and Behavioral Health Parity LawMedicaid and ABA: Knowing Your Rights
For Professionals
Insurance Hub