Working Closely with Autism New Jersey, Horizon NJ Health Increases ABA Technician Rate

June 16, 2022

Autism New Jersey is pleased to announce that Horizon will be increasing the ABA technician rate (97153) from $11.20 to $15 per 15 minutes to align with the rate increase announced by New Jersey Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS) in February of this year.

When DMAHS announced the rate increase, current and prospective providers celebrated as this increase brings NJ Medicaid rates closer to market rates and enables providers to hire and retain more qualified staff. Within the first few months, Autism New Jersey was informed by multiple providers that Horizon had not immediately adopted the new rates. We initiated a dialogue with Horizon about the importance of this rate increase and its impact on the autism community. Horizon responded with openness, an expedited review of our concerns, and, ultimately, an increase in the 97153 rate.

“Autism New Jersey is grateful to Horizon NJ Health for their collegial and swift response that will both maintain and expand the provider network so that more children with autism can access medically necessary treatment,” said Executive Director Dr. Suzanne Buchanan. “This rate increase is foundational to ensuring equitable access to treatment for families of low income across the state.”

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Autism New  will be happy to help you understand Medicaid/NJ Family Care and what coverage is available for your child. Call our 800.4.AUTISM Helpline, email, or use the chat/messaging feature at the bottom of your screen.