Families Find Connection in 2020

November 20, 2020

Throughout the struggles and turmoil that the year 2020 brought for so many of us, Autism New Jersey continues to work hard to support the needs of the autism community.

We proudly produced and distributed timely, vital information about services affected by the state’s shut down – and there were many. From addressing issues like remote learning, telehealth and regression to offering tools that support mask-wearing and at-home engagement, we shared information and helped parents and professionals alike via our Helpline and virtual training.

We did our part to reflect upon how we as an autism community can address the racial disparities that exist in diagnosis and treatment.

We celebrated hard fought state-wide advocacy and policy victories in a year that saw autism rates in New Jersey tick up slightly to 1 in 32.

Watch how we’ve connected with those in need this year.

A mom of twins struggles to keep her job.

Our 800.4.AUTISM Helpline is a lifeline for parents seeking support, information, and referrals.


A young adult loses his much needed technology.

A partnership with our local Amazon Fulfillment Center, has been a tremendous success in providing donations to those in need.


A family cannot afford necessary treatments.

Autism New Jersey led the advocacy efforts for the long-anticipated Medicaid ABA benefit.

We’ve made a difference, large and small.  You can, too!


We look forward to the promise that a new year holds and to forging ahead to support the autism community.