Study: Virtual Well-Being Groups for Parents of Autistic Children

April 30, 2024

Researchers from Rowan University are seeking participants for a research study to examine how parents of children with autism prefer to engage in virtual well-being groups. All participants will receive 6 hours of group content and will be assigned to different group formats (6hr workshop; three 2hr sessions; six 1hr sessions). The groups will target parental well-being, be entirely virtual, and scheduled based on participant availability. Parents will then individually engage in two virtual parent training sessions to learn skills to address their child’s behavior.

You can participate if:

    • You are at least 18 years old
    • You are the parent of a child (age 5-12) with autism and challenging behavior
    • You speak English
    • You have access to a device with audio and video capabilities
    • You can identify another adult to assist with participation

Participate in the Study

Download a Flyer

For more information, contact Abigail Moretti at 401.489.0185 or email

Autism New Jersey strongly recommends reviewing the following information prior to participating in any research study:

For more information and a comprehensive list of potential benefits and risks of participating, please contact the investigators. For helpful information on being an informed research participant, please visit the Organization for Autism Research’s (OAR) Parent’s Guide to Research. Appendix B provides a list of questions to ask prior to participation and overviews your rights as a research participant.