Recruiting Participants for a Research Study
November 01, 2022
Autism New Jersey can assist in recruiting participants for your research study.
Please use the application below to upload a copy of the IRB approval letter and a brief description of the study’s methods and anticipated results. Once approved, your research study can be promoted on our website and e-newsletter.
Each research study listing can accommodate:
- 75-word description
- One logo/image
- URL to webpage
- One PDF download
- Researcher contact information
Research-participant requests will appear as a news post on our website. The two-month listing will be seen on the following pages:
- Link on home page in the News & Events section
- Link on news page as a listing. Studies can be searched using the topic “research study”
- A link to the full research study listing will appear in two consecutive ANJ E-Newsletters.
Submit your Research Study Application
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For more information and a comprehensive list of potential benefits and risks of participating, please contact the investigators. For helpful information on being an informed research participant, please visit the Organization for Autism Research’s (OAR) Parent’s Guide to Research. Appendix B provides a list of questions to ask prior to participation and overviews your rights as a research participant. Autism New Jersey strongly recommends reviewing this information prior to participating in any research study.