Knights of Columbus St. Gregory the Great Council donates $2,500
July 08, 2021
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus Saint Gregory the Great Council 7677 for their $2,500 donation to Autism New Jersey. Based in Hamilton Square, the group had planned a number of festivities for their 40th Anniversary last year, including a celebration fundraising dinner. While COVID prevented the in-person events from occurring, nevertheless the Council had a very successful year of fundraising activities.
With a steadfast commitment to service and the community, the Council was able to make several charitable contributions to worthy causes.
“We are so very honored to be included as one of the local charities they selected to show their support,” noted Ellen Schisler, Associate Executive Director, pictured above with (l to r) Michael Frank, Financial Secretary, Thomas Lencovich, Deputy Grand Knight and Grand Knight John Perrugia (far right).
“With considerable need across the board as a result of the pandemic, the work of community groups like theirs carries even greater importance,” she added. “We are grateful they saw the value in our mission. We wish them 40 more years of success and service.”
Interested in planning an event or fund drive to support Autism New Jersey? Contact Brynn Alberici at