Information Services Director Joining Title V Steering Committee

May 17, 2024

Autism New Jersey Information Services Director, Jon Gottlieb, Esq., is participating in the Title V Block Grant Needs Assessment Steering Committee. Autism New Jersey will represent the needs of the autism community as reported to the agency’s 800.4.AUTISM Helpline and offer insight into the complex and nuanced experiences of families of individuals with autism and the professionals who support them.

The Title V Federal-State partnership promotes women and children’s health by funding to state and local systems as they meet the needs of women, children, and families. Every five years the Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program at the New Jersey Department of Health, Division of Family Health Services must complete an MCH needs assessment to better understand the health status of women, children, and families in New Jersey and assess programs’ capacity to meet those needs.

Over the next year, the steering committee will be meeting in group and one-on-one discussions to assess and evaluate indicators of health and wellness for MCH populations and assess state program infrastructure and staffing capacity. In addition, the committee will review the final report on findings and recommendations and will submit that report to the federal Health Resources and Services Administration.

“The programs funded by the MCH block grant are crucial supports for New Jersey’s autism community and the disabilities community at large,” said Gottlieb. “They support and uplift underserved communities and result in better lives for New Jersey residents. It is an honor to be able to take part in articulating the profound, positive effect they have had across the state and help shape how they’ll improve lives in the next five years and beyond.”