Autism New Jersey Comments on CSOC CSA Scope of Work

June 25, 2024

On June 24, 2024, Autism New Jersey’s Executive Director, Dr. Suzanne Buchanan, provided comments to the Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) Children’s System of Care (CSOC) on the Scope of Work (SOW) of the Contracted System Administrator (CSA), currently PerformCare, which will inform the development of a new SOW for an upcoming re-procurement of the services.

Since 2001, New Jersey has offered a Children’s Behavioral Health Service, or CSOC, which administers mental health and substance use disorder treatment and supports for children with developmental disabilities and their families. This is accomplished through a robust, statewide integrated network of services and supports coordinated by a CSA.

The CSA is a critical component of the infrastructure and operations of the CSOC in that it provides a single point of entry for children, youth, and families to access services 24/7/365. It is also charged with critical functions including member enrollment, care coordination, medical necessity determinations, initial and continuing prior authorization of services, utilization and quality management, reporting, and development, and maintenance of the CSOC information technology solution.

Dr. Buchanan recommended that the SOW should be expanded in three (3) areas: personnel, DD services, and outcomes reporting.

  • Section 3.3.1 Personnel could include a leadership-level staff member or designated team who would:
    • Review, analyze, and report on both quantitative metrics and qualitative stories to identify trends that will inform current capacity efficiencies and barriers as well as short- and long-term planning
    • Participate in a workgroup that includes external professionals with expertise in the assessment and treatment of severe challenging behavior
  • Section 3.9 Developmental Disability Services could include a new section (3.9.2) to capture the safety and acute treatment needs
  • Section 3.17 Quality and Outcomes Management and System Measurement Program could include a new section (3.17.C.10) to report on the met and unmet safety and treatment needs

Read Dr. Buchanan’s Comments

You can view Dr. Buchanan’s written comments here. Anyone wishing to provide their own comments can email by 12pm on June 26, 2024.