Autism New Jersey’s Law Enforcement Initiative, launched in February 2024, aims to bring together individuals and entities in law enforcement and the autism community to identify best practices in a variety of areas and increase the adoption of autism-friendly practices. Even before the initiative’s formal launch, Autism New Jersey has been reaching out to law enforcement on municipal, county, and state levels and creating connections with law enforcement professionals.

The Supporting Autism-Friendly Enforcement (SAFE) Network

Now, one of the most important things we can do is to connect all of you to one another. That’s what the SAFE Network is all about: developing a network of individuals and departments in the state of New Jersey who are doing exemplary work to support autistic individuals.

This is where you come in. Join our SAFE Network today to show your agency’s commitment to autism-friendly practices in law enforcement!

SAFE Network Eligibility

  • Be an active member of law enforcement

  • Implement at least one autism-friendly practice that you’re willing to share with us

  • Provide contact information for your department’s autism liaison/community engagement lead

  • Be willing to speak with others in law enforcement about your work

  • Agree to receive updates from us about autism-friendly law enforcement related opportunities

If you checked all these boxes, please proceed to fill out our Autism-friendly Practices Survey* and indicate that you want to join our SAFE Network. And even if you aren’t sure if you want to join the SAFE Network, please fill out the survey anyway! Don’t worry – you will only be added to the SAFE Network if you explicitly indicate you would like to do so within the survey.

SAFE Network Benefits

  • Free membership in a community of people who care about increasing positive and safe interactions between law enforcement and individuals with autism.
  • Autism New Jersey promotion of your agency’s autism-friendly practices and contact information via social media and other forms.
  • More benefits coming soon (e.g., Autism New Jersey-branded recognition of being an initiative supporter).

Have questions about our Law Enforcement Initiative or SAFE Network? Reach out to Law Enforcement Initiative Director Doreen Yanik at

* Note that this is the same survey as the one distributed by the County Prosecutors’ Offices so if you have already completed it, you do not need to complete it again.